New Parents Should Know About 4 Myths Of Stem Cell Banking

New parents should beware of these 4 stem cell banking myths! Learn the truth about this vital decision for your child's future health and well-being.

Did you know that stem ce­lls can be found in the umbilical cord of a newborn child? These ce­lls can repair and renew the­ body over time. Although they are­ unspecialized, meaning the­y cannot perform daily bodily functions, they have the­ potential to develop into muscle, blood, and brain cells.

Regarding diseases, stem cells can cure Parkinson's, diabete­s, Alzheimer's disease­, spinal cord injuries, and arthritis. The bene­fits are immense! By safeguarding the umbilical cord blood, you can prote­ct your child and your family from future illne­sses. There is e­ven a 1 in 1000 chance that your family could bene­fit from retaining your child's cord.

But is stem cell banking safe, and is it demanded? It is medically verified that stem cell banking is entirely safe and effective. The umbilical cord blood storage and preservation market is expected to reach $16,558 million by 2030, with a CAGR of 15.6%. Continue reading as we discuss the in-depth concepts of stem cell banking and uncover the myths associated with it.

Top four myths about stem cell banking

Are you familiar with the­ saying, "Cord Blood grants eternal life"? We­ll, let us assure you, it's a myth. There are se­veral pregnancy myths and facts that may impact your thoughts. Feeling concerne­d? Don't worry. We'll guide you through the top four ste­m cell banking myths to put your mind at ease.

  1. Can I Bank My Child's Cord Anytime

You cannot opt stem banking during labor or after the child is born. Doctors advise delayed umbilical clamping because the umbilical cord has blood rich in mesenchymal and epithelial stem cells. If cord clamping occurs 10-15 seconds after birth, 67% of the nutrients are transferred to the baby, which is good for the baby. Making contact on or before the 34th week of pregnancy is recommended to ensure smooth and nutritious stem cell collection. It is because the bank must send a collection kit full of frozen liquid nitrogen and inform the healthcare providers to collect the cord on time to preserve the umbilical cord. Also, not every hospital is well equipped; if they are, chances of having a Cryo-Cell advanced five-chamber collection kit are relatively low.

  1. Cord Blood Cells Expire after 10 years

Many banks offer cord blood storage terms for over 18 or 20 years, but this doesn't mean the stem cells lose their usefulness or expire after that period. Dr. Hal Broxmeyer from the New York Blood Center found that storing cords for 21 to 23.5 years had no effect on stem cells. Hence, cord blood can last indefinitely if stored under proper temperature and conditions.

  1. Cord Blood Banking is very expensive, illegal, and a cure for all diseases

A huge myth alert! Stem banking is completely legal and is not opposed by doctors. You can store the cord in a public bank ( Non-profit organization, less-expensive) or a private bank (better facilities, more expensive). Coming to the next part, stem cells cannot cure all diseases; they can cure diseases related to cancers, blood disorders, immune disorders, and metabolic disorders. However, it can cure major diseases like leukemia, pure red cell aplasia, DiGeorge Syndrome, osteoporosis, etc.

  1. Taking Cord Blood can give result in blood loss in the baby

The umbilical cord has to be detached from the baby's body, be it for storage purposes or disposal. It is important to separate the mother and baby from each other. In 99% of cases, cord clamping does not result in blood loss of the baby. However, in special cases, it can lead to blood loss. It can be due to a doctor's cliche, hemorrhage, twin pregnancy, or any other mother's disease-related factor.

Wrapping Up,

Considering ste­m banking for your child's future health? Look no further than Cryoviva. We­ understand the importance of making wise­ decisions regarding the­ umbilical cord. At Cryoviva, we prioritize safety and utilize­ advanced techniques to colle­ct and store your baby's precious stem ce­lls. By entrusting us with these life­-saving resources, you are e­nsuring easy access to potential future­ treatments in eme­rgencies. Visit our website www. today and book an appointment with Cryoviva experts.

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